Subject : BOTANY
I. INTRODUCTION: Origin, development and scope of Botany - Classification of plant kingdom - Branches of Botany:
Morphology, Cytology, Embryology, Palynology, Taxonomy, Physiology, Ecology, Palaeobotany, Genetics,
Phytogeography, Phycology, Mycology,Lichenology, Bryology, Pteriodology, Microbiology, Bacteriology, Virology -
Parts of angiospermic plant
II. EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY: (a)Vegetative morphology: Root: Root system; Types, Functions, Modification of
roots (Velamen roots, Photosynthetic roots, Respiratory roots, Parasitic roots, Storage roots and nodular roots) -
Stem: characteristics and functions of the stem; Modifications of stem: Aerial: Tendril, Thorn, Hook, Phylloclade,
Restiratory roots, Tuberous stem and Bulbil; Sub-aerial: Runner, Stolon, Sucker & Offset, Underground: Rhizome,
Corm, Stem tuber & Bulb - Leaf: Parts of Leaf, Types, Functions and Parts of leaves, Venation, Phyllotaxy, Leaf
modifications: - tendrils, spines, scale leaves, phyllode,reproductive & trap leaves. (b)Reproductive
morphology:Inflorescence: Introduction, Types of Inflorescence - Racemose, Cymose and Special Types Flower:
Parts of a typical flower: Structure, Sex distribution and symmetry of flower, position of gynoecium. Detailed
description of flower: Prianth, Calyx, Corolla, aestivation, Androecium – Parts, fixation and dehiscence of anther,
length of stamens, union of stamens, Gynoecium – number of carpels, fusion of carples, ovary – number of locules ,
placentation, types of styles, Stigma
III. REPRODUCTION IN ANGIOSPERMS: Introduction – Sporophytic and Gametophytic stages - Structure of an
Anther; Microsporogenesis, Structure of a pollen grain and development of male gametophyte Ovule – Structure and
Types; megasporogenesis - development and structure of embryosac - Pollination: Types of pollination, self and
cross-pollination, contrivances for cross pollination and self pollination, agents of cross pollination. Fertilization –
Process, Post - fertilization changes; Seed structure (Dicot & Monocot), and seed germination (epigeal, hypogeal &
vivipary) - Fruits: Classification; False fruits and true fruits - Simple fruits (fleshy fruits – berry, pome, pepo,
hesperidium, drupe; Dry fruits – dehiscent- legume, septicidal capsule, septifragal capsule, loculicidal capsule;
Indehiscent fruits – caryopsis, cypsela, nut; schizocarpic – lomentum, schizocarp); Aggregate and Multiple fruits
IV. PLANT TAXONOMY: Introduction – Alpha and Omega taxonomy; Aspects of taxonomy – Identification – Flora,
herbaria, botanical gardens (RBG – Kew, IBG – Kolkata, NBG – Lucknow); Nomenclature, Classification – Types,
Units and a brief account of Bentham & Hooker’s system. Study of the following families - Malvaceae - Fabaceae -
Solanaceae - Liliaceae.
V. CELL BIOLOGY: Introduction, Techniques of Cell Biology – microscopy (light, electron, fluorescent, phase
contrast, SEM, TEM – only uses), Separation techniques - Ultrastructure of plant cell (Eukaryotic cell - Structure of cell
wall and cell membrane, Protoplasm, cytoplasm, Plastids, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi
complex, lysosomes, peroxisomes and glyoxysomes, vacuoles and Nucleus). – Chromosomes - Introduction,
structure (light microscopic study), classification, functions and nucleosome model) - Nucleic acids - Cell Division :
Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis
VI. INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF PLANTS: Tissues – Types (Meristematic and Permanent ) and functions -
Internal structure of Dicot root (Primary) and Monocot root - Internal structure of Dicot stem (Primary) and Monocot
stem - Internal structure of leaf (Dicot and Monocot) - Secondary growth in dicot stem.
VII. PLANT ECOLOGY: Introduction - Plant communities – Hydrophytes, Mesophytes and Xerophytes; Ecological
adaptations (Morphological & Anatomical) of Hydrophytes and Xerophytes.
VIII GENETICS: Introduction - Mendel’s Principles – Monohybrid and Dihybrid cross, Back cross and Test cross,
Concept of probability in relation to
Genetics - Linkage and crossing over - Mutations.
IX. PLANT KINGDOM: Introduction - Spirogyra – distribution and habitat, thallus structure, cell structure,
reproduction– vegetative, asexual, sexual,
life cycle - Rhizopus – distribution and habitat, structure of mycelium and hypha, reproduction – vegetative, asexual,
sexual, life cycle, sexuality in Rhizopus - Funaria: distribution and habitat, external morphology of the gametophore,
anatomy of the stem, reproduction – vegetative and sexual, sporophyte, protonema, life cycle - Pteris: distribution and
habitat, Morphology of the sporophyte, anatomy of the Rhizome, vegetative, asexual and
sexual reproduction, Embryo, life cycle - Cycas: distribution and habitat, Morphology of the sporophyte, anatomy of
the coralloid root and leaflet, Reproduction, Embryo, Seed, life cycle.
X. MICROBIOLOGY: Introduction and importance of microbiology - Bacteria – Discovery, Distribution, sizes, shapes,
Gram stain (in brief), structure of cell, nutrition, reproduction –asexual (binary fission), sexual – Conjugation (F+ and Fonly),
transformation and transduction (only definition, discoverer and example for transformation and transduction),
economic importance – beneficial (Agriculture, Industry, Medicine, Biotechnology), harmful (spoilage of food, plants,
human and animal diseases) - Viruses – historical account, types, structure (TMV and T4 details), general account of
sizes, shapes, replication (Lytic and Lysogenic cycles). Plant diseases caused by viruses, transmission of viruses and
control of viral diseases.
XI. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY : Introduction (a) WATER RELATIONS OF PLANTS: Absorption of water – Introduction,
soil water, water potential, Diffusion, Imbibition, Osmosis, Plasmolysis, Mechanism of absorption of water- Ascent of
Sap: Definition, Cohesion – Tension theory - Transpiration
: Definition, SPAC and types of transpiration, mechanism of stomatal movement, factors, significance, Antitranspirants.
(b) NUTRITION IN PLANTS: Introduction, types of nutrition (symbiosis, parasitism, chemotrophism,
autotrophism)’ - Mineral nutrition – Introduction, soil as source, criteria of essentiality, importance of macro and micro
elements, ion absorption – passive and active (carrier concept), Biofertilizers (c) METABOLISM: Enzymes –
introduction, properties, IUB classification, mechanism of enzyme action (lock & key theory),enzyme inhibition -
Photosynthesis - Definition, pigments, structural organization of chloroplast, Mechanism of Photosynthesis – Light
reactions - Hill reaction, Emerson’s Enhancement Effect, PSI and PSII, electron transport and proton translocation,
photophosphorylation, Carbon assimilation - C3, C4 pathways, Factors, Photorespiration, Blackman’s law -
Respiration – definition, Types, Mechanism of aerobic and anaerobic respiration, Alcohol fermentation, Respiratory
quotient (R.Q). Nitrogen metabolism: Nitrogen cycle, Biological nitrogen fixation (Symbiotic, Non-symbiotic); Genetic
code, Biosynthesis of Proteins - Plant growth & its regulators: Growth curve; introduction to growth regulators,
physiological effects and applications-Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Abscisic acid and Ethylene; Photoperiodism
and Vernalization.
XII. PLANTS AND HUMAN WELFARE: Crop improvement – Introduction , aims and objectives of plant breeding;
methods – definition, methodology, advantages and achievements of Introduction, Selection (Mass, Pureline, Clonal),
Hybridization, Heterosis, Mutation breeding and Polyploidy breeding. Biotechnology: Introduction, Definition, Scope
and applications of Biotechnology - Genetic Engineering - Recombinant DNA Technology, Genetically Modified Crops,
Transgenic plants, Biosafety issues, applications of Genetic Engineering - Tissue Culture – techniques and
Applications - Single cell proteins – Advantages and Sources - Mushroom Cultivation:Morphology and types of
mushrooms; Food value; cultivation of white button mushrooms.
Subject : ZOOLOGY
I. Zoology – The Basics: Nature and scope of Zoology, Areas of study under zoology, relationship between zoology
and other sciences, basic principles of classification, need for classification, nomenclature, levels of classification or
systematic hierarchy, species concept, outline classification of the kingdom animalia.
II. General characters and classifications-Invertebrate Phyla (upto the level of classes): Protozoa-general
characters and brief account of classification, Porifera – general characters & classification, Cnidaria – general
characters and classification, Platyhelminthes – general characters and classification, Nematoda – general characters
and classification, Annelida – general characters and classification, Arthropoda – general characters and
classification, Mollusca – general characters and classification, Echinodermata – general characters and classification.
III. Animal Organization: Introduction, Multicellularity Diploblastic, triploblastic organization, Symmetry – types and
characteristic features of each symmetry with examples i.e. Asymmetry, Radial Symmetry, Biradial symmetry Bilateral
symmetry, Definition of Coelome, definitions and examples of acoelomates, pseudocoelomates and
enterocoelomates, The structure of a generalized animal cell (brief account only), Animal Tissues (brief account)
epithelial tissues, connective tissue proper, supporting tissue, fluid tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue.
IV. Locomotion and Reproduction in Protozoa: Locomotion – Introduction, locomotor organelles in Protozoans
(pseudopodia, cilia, flagella) giving examples, Locomotion in Protozoans – amoeboid movement, Sol-gel theory,
Ciliary and Flagellar movements synchronal and metachronal movements in Paramecium, Effective & Recovery
strokes, Reproduction in Protozoa, Types of Reproduction (i) Asexual reproduction types – Transverse binary fission
in paramecium, longitudinal binary fission in Euglena (ii) Sexual reproduction in Protozoa Conjugation in Vorticella and
its significance.
V. Animal Associations: Definition and examples of Mutualism, Symbiosis, Commensalism, Parasitism, Structure,
life cycles, diseases and preventive measures of the following parasites (1) Entamoeba histolytica (structure, life cycle
pathogenecity, prevention), (2) Plasmodium vivax (structure, life cycle pathogenecity, prevention), (3) Taenia solium
(External characters body wall, organs in mature proglottid, fertilization Life-cycle-Pathogenecity) (4) Wuchereria
bancrofti (structure, life cycle pathogenecity, prevention).
VI. Phylum Annelida: Phertima posthuma – (1) Introduction, importance, different genera, species, habit & habitat.
External characters – structure
and arrangement of setae, (2) body wall coelom, wall of alimentary canal and locomotion, Pheretima (3) digestive
system, Respiratory system, Pheretema : (4) Blood vascular system, (5) Excretory system, (6) Nervous system, (7)
Reproductive system, (8) copulation, cocoon formation & development, Regeneration, economic importance.
VII. Phylum : Arthropoda: (1) Arthropoda – Introduction – Evolutionary characters of Arthropoda, (2) Cockroach,
Periplaneta americana – external
features, body wall, Endoskeleton, stink glands, coelom, fat bodies, locomotion, Cockroach – Digestive system,
Respiratory system, Nervous system, sense organs, structure of ommatidium, (3) Mouth parts of insects, cockroach,
Mosquito, Housefly, Butterfly, (4) Economic importance of insects (i) useful insects (ii) harmful insects.
VIII. Man & Biosphere: Elementary aspects of ecosystem, Abiotic factors light, temperature, water and their biological
effects on organisms, Biotic factors: producers, consumers and decomposers - Functional aspects of ecosystem, food
chains, food web, ecological pyramids, Lake as an example of fresh water ecosystem, population ecology –
Population density, growth and growth curves - Biodiversity, conservation of biodiversity and wild life conservation.
IX. Phylum – Chordata: Characteristics of Chordata, Ancestry of Chordates, Outline classification of Chordata,
Theories of origin of Chordata – General features of Sub-phylum Urochordata & Sub-phylum Cephalochordata - Subphylum
Vertebrata : Pisces - General Characters, Classification with examples, Amphibia : General characters,
Classification with examples.
X. Reptilia – Aves & Mammalia: Reptilia: General Characters, Classification of Chelonia, Rhynocephalia, Squamata
and Crocodilia with typical examples, Identification of poisonous and non poisonous snakes, poison apparatus, toxicity
of snake venom and treatment of snake bite including first aid - Aves: Distinctive features, Classification, differences
between Ratitae and carinatae with typical examples - Mammalia : Distinctive features of Prototheria, Metatheria &
Eutheria with examples.
XI. Rabbit – Functional Anatomy-I (Digestive System, Respiratory System & Circulatory System): Classification
and External characters of Rabbit - Digestive System, Alimentary Canal, Digestive Glands, Nutrition & Digestion,
Process of Digestion, Role of Vitamins and Mineral in Nutrition, Nutritional requirements in relation to balanced diet -
Respiratory system, Mechanism of breathing and transport of gases - Circulatory System, Structure of heart, Function
of heart, Arterial system, Venous System, Blood Clotting.
XII. Rabbit-Functional Anatomy-II (Musclo-Skeletal System, Excretory System, Reproductive System): Musculo
Skeletal System, Ultra Structure of Muscle fibre, sliding filament theory, Elementary idea of Axial skeleton and
appendicular skeleton: Types of Joints. Excretory System, Excretory Organs, Structure of nephron in mammals,
Formation and Composition of Urine, Micturition. Reproductive system: Male Reproductive system, Female
Reproductive system, Copulation, Fertilization and Development, Placenta. Gestation period.
XIII. Rabbit – Functional Anatomy-III (Nervous System, Endocrine Glands and their role in Human beings,
Immunology): Nervous System,
Central, Peripheral and autonomous nervous systems Roman nomenclature of Cranial and Spinal nerves and their
functions. Generation and Propagation of Nerve Impulse, Endocrine System: Endocrine glands and Role of
Hormones. Endocrine disorders in Human beings. Immunology : Types of Immunity, Organs of Immune system, Cells
of Immune systems, Soluble mediators of Immunity. Antigens, Mechanism of Humoral and cell mediated Immunities,
Immunological disorders: AIDS, Hepatitis.
XIV. Genetics-Introduction: Multiple alleles and Blood groups, ABO Blood groups, Rh antigens, Sex determination,
Sex Chromosomes, Heterogametic sex determination, Sex determination in Drosophila, Sex determination and
Sexual differentiation in human being, Haplodiploidy in honey bee, Effects of environment on sex determination,
Hormonal control of sex determination, Sex linked inheritance, Sex linkage in drosophila, Genes on the sex
chromosomes, Sex linked characters in human beings, X-linked characters, Y-linked characters, X-Y linked character,
Sex limited characters, Sex influenced characters. - Gene Expression and regulation, Genetic Materials, Function of
Genes, Gene regulation in prokaryotes, Gene expression in eukaryotes, concepts of Gene action one gene one poly
peptide concept only - Basic concepts of animal breeding, System of breeding, Heterosis, Progeny Test, Cloning,
Transgenic animals. Genome and Human genome project, Gene Mapping, D.N.A. finger printing, An elementary idea
of gene therapy.
XV. Organic Evolution: Evolutionary concepts and origin of life, Experimental verification of chemical origin of life.
Theories of Evolution : Lamarkism or Inheritance of acquired characters, Darwinism or Natural Selection, Sexual
selection, Artificial selection, Mutation theory of evolution, Synthetic theory of evolution or Neo-Darwinism : Hardy-
Weinberg equilibrium and evolutionary process – Natural selection, Genetic load, Genetic Drift, Changes in Genotype
frequencies and Speciation.
XVI. Applied Biology: Aquaculture: List of animals of aquaculture importance, Fisheries – fish culture and rearing
methods. Poultry : Introduction to Poultry, Poultry farming, Poultry diseases - Biotechnology : Recombinant D.N.A.
technology, Industrial use of micro organisms and DNA Technology, Vaccines, Enzymes, hormones, Interferons
Monoclonal anti bodies. - Cell cycle and its regulation, cancer biology, stem cells - Bio medical technology : X-ray
radiography, Definitions of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Electro Cardiography (ECG), Electro
Encephalography (EEG), Transplantation, ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay).
Subject : PHYSICS
I - MEASUREMENTS, UNITS AND DIMENSIONS : Introduction- units and Dimensions, Accuracy, precision of
measuring instruments, Constant errors, systematic errors, environmental errors (errors due to external causes). Error
due to imperfection, Random errors, Gross Errors, Absolute Errors, Relative percentage errors, Errors due to addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, powers of observed quantities, Significant figures, Fundamental and derived
physical quantities / System of Units, definition of units in SI. Multiple and submultiples of SI units, Dimensional
formulae and dimensional equations, dimensional constants and dimensionless quantities. Principle of homogeneity of
dimensions, Conversion of one system of units into another, to check correctness of an equation, to derive the
relationship between different physical quantities.
II - ELEMENTS OF VECTORS : Physical quantities, geometrical representation of vectors, addition of vectors,
equality of vectors, Resolution of a vector into components, null vector, unit vector in Cartesian co-ordinate system,
position vector and its magnitude, Parallelogram law of addition of vectors, Derivation of expression for the resultant
vector, The direction of the resultant, Special cases, Triangle law and polygon law of vectors, triangle law of addition
of vectors, polygon law of addition of vectors, concept of relative velocity, application to relative motion of a boat in a
river, motion of a boat across a river, shortest path, shortest time, Multiplication of vector with a scalar, product of two
vectors, scalar product or dot product of two vectors, properties of scalar product, examples of scalar product, work
done and energy, vector product of two vectors, properties of vector product of two vectors, torque, angular
III - Kinematics : Introduction- Equations of motion, acceleration due to gravity, equations of motion of a freely falling
body, Equations of motion of an object vertically projected upwards from the ground, Maximum height (H), Time of
ascent, time of descent, velocity of the body on returning to the point of projection, Vertical projection of an object from
a tower, Projectiles – oblique projection from ground, equation of trajectory, maximum height, time of ascent, time of
flight, horizontal range, two angles of projection for the same range, velocity of projection at any instant, horizontal
projection from the top of a tower, equation of trajectory, time of descent, range, velocity of the projectile (at any
IV - DYNAMICS : Introduction- Newton’s laws of motion, applications of Newton’s laws. Objects suspended by strings,
Atwood machine, blocks placed in contact with each other on frictionless horizontal surface, apparent weight in a lift,
Impulse, law of conservation of linear momentum, conservation of linear momentum during collision, work, power,
energy, KE&PE definition and derivation for both, Relation between KE and Linear momentum, conservation and nonconservation
of energy in case of freely failing body and vertically projected body.
V - COLLISIONS: Introduction – Elastic and inelastic collisions, Collisions in one dimension (Elastic collision only),
body at rest, bodies moving on along in same direction and opposite directions, Co-efficient of restitution, definition,
equation for height attained for freely falling body after number of rebounds on floor.
VI - CENTRE OF MASS (CM): Introduction- Centre of mass, difference between centre of mass and centre of gravity,
co-ordinates of centre of mass, center of mass of system of particles in space, motion of centre of mass (Velocity and
acceleration of CM), characteristics of centre of mass, laws of motion of the centre of mass, velocity and acceleration,
VII – FRICTION: Introduction - cause of friction, advantages of friction, disadvantages of friction, methods of reducing
friction, types of friction, static friction, kinetic (or) dynamic friction, rolling friction, Distinction between static and
dynamic friction. Normal reaction, laws of friction, static friction, kinetic friction or Dynamic friction, Rolling friction,
Angle of friction, motion of body on rough horizontal plane, motion of bodies on an inclined plane, Body at rest on the
plane-Angle of repose-when the body is just ready to slide, when the body is sliding down. Motion of a body on
smooth inclined plane, body sliding down the plane, body sliding up the plane, pushing and pulling of a lawn roller. A
lawn roller on a horizontal surface pulled by an inclined force, a roller on horizontal surface pushed by an inclined
VIII - ROTATORY MOTION: Couple (concepts, units, dimensional formula and examples), Vector representation of
torque, Moment of Inertia(MI), definition, units, parallel and perpendicular axes theorems. Expressions for MI of a thin
rod, uniform disc, rectangular lamina, solid and hollow spheres, circular ring and cylinder (no derivations needed),
angular momentum, relation between angular momentum and torque, law of conservation of angular momentum with
examples, Motion in vertical circle.
IX- GRAVITATION: Introduction- Basic forces in nature, Nature of gravitation, law of universal gravitation, Relation
between Universal gravitational constant (G) and acceleration due to gravity (g), variation of ‘g’ with altitude, depth,
latitude and shape of the earth, characteristics of gravitational force, limitations of Newton’s third law, gravitational
field, field strength, properties of gravitational fields, Origin of black holes, Chandrashekar limit, neutron star, Frames
of reference, Inertial and Non- Inertial frames, Inertial and Gravitational mass & relation between them, Principle of
equivalence, Escape and Orbital velocities, definition, derivation of expressions and relation between them,
Geostationary satellites and their uses.
X- SIMPLE HARMIMIC MOTION (SHM): Introduction- simple harmonic motion examples, SHM explanation by
reference circle, expression for displacement, amplitude, velocity, acceleration, time period, frequency, phase, initial
phase (epoch) - Simple pendulum, expression for time period, loaded spring, expression for time period, force
constant, PE and KE of simple harmonic oscillator, Total Energy of Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Law of conservation
of energy in the case of a simple pendulum.
XI- ELASTICITY: Introduction- Elasticity and plasticity, stress, strain, Hook’s law, Moduli of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio,
definition and its limit, Behavior of a wire under gradually increasing load- Elastic fatigue, strain energy - experimental
determination of Young’s modulus of wire.
Morphology, Cytology, Embryology, Palynology, Taxonomy, Physiology, Ecology, Palaeobotany, Genetics,
Phytogeography, Phycology, Mycology,Lichenology, Bryology, Pteriodology, Microbiology, Bacteriology, Virology -
Parts of angiospermic plant
II. EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY: (a)Vegetative morphology: Root: Root system; Types, Functions, Modification of
roots (Velamen roots, Photosynthetic roots, Respiratory roots, Parasitic roots, Storage roots and nodular roots) -
Stem: characteristics and functions of the stem; Modifications of stem: Aerial: Tendril, Thorn, Hook, Phylloclade,
Restiratory roots, Tuberous stem and Bulbil; Sub-aerial: Runner, Stolon, Sucker & Offset, Underground: Rhizome,
Corm, Stem tuber & Bulb - Leaf: Parts of Leaf, Types, Functions and Parts of leaves, Venation, Phyllotaxy, Leaf
modifications: - tendrils, spines, scale leaves, phyllode,reproductive & trap leaves. (b)Reproductive
morphology:Inflorescence: Introduction, Types of Inflorescence - Racemose, Cymose and Special Types Flower:
Parts of a typical flower: Structure, Sex distribution and symmetry of flower, position of gynoecium. Detailed
description of flower: Prianth, Calyx, Corolla, aestivation, Androecium – Parts, fixation and dehiscence of anther,
length of stamens, union of stamens, Gynoecium – number of carpels, fusion of carples, ovary – number of locules ,
placentation, types of styles, Stigma
III. REPRODUCTION IN ANGIOSPERMS: Introduction – Sporophytic and Gametophytic stages - Structure of an
Anther; Microsporogenesis, Structure of a pollen grain and development of male gametophyte Ovule – Structure and
Types; megasporogenesis - development and structure of embryosac - Pollination: Types of pollination, self and
cross-pollination, contrivances for cross pollination and self pollination, agents of cross pollination. Fertilization –
Process, Post - fertilization changes; Seed structure (Dicot & Monocot), and seed germination (epigeal, hypogeal &
vivipary) - Fruits: Classification; False fruits and true fruits - Simple fruits (fleshy fruits – berry, pome, pepo,
hesperidium, drupe; Dry fruits – dehiscent- legume, septicidal capsule, septifragal capsule, loculicidal capsule;
Indehiscent fruits – caryopsis, cypsela, nut; schizocarpic – lomentum, schizocarp); Aggregate and Multiple fruits
IV. PLANT TAXONOMY: Introduction – Alpha and Omega taxonomy; Aspects of taxonomy – Identification – Flora,
herbaria, botanical gardens (RBG – Kew, IBG – Kolkata, NBG – Lucknow); Nomenclature, Classification – Types,
Units and a brief account of Bentham & Hooker’s system. Study of the following families - Malvaceae - Fabaceae -
Solanaceae - Liliaceae.
V. CELL BIOLOGY: Introduction, Techniques of Cell Biology – microscopy (light, electron, fluorescent, phase
contrast, SEM, TEM – only uses), Separation techniques - Ultrastructure of plant cell (Eukaryotic cell - Structure of cell
wall and cell membrane, Protoplasm, cytoplasm, Plastids, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi
complex, lysosomes, peroxisomes and glyoxysomes, vacuoles and Nucleus). – Chromosomes - Introduction,
structure (light microscopic study), classification, functions and nucleosome model) - Nucleic acids - Cell Division :
Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis
VI. INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF PLANTS: Tissues – Types (Meristematic and Permanent ) and functions -
Internal structure of Dicot root (Primary) and Monocot root - Internal structure of Dicot stem (Primary) and Monocot
stem - Internal structure of leaf (Dicot and Monocot) - Secondary growth in dicot stem.
VII. PLANT ECOLOGY: Introduction - Plant communities – Hydrophytes, Mesophytes and Xerophytes; Ecological
adaptations (Morphological & Anatomical) of Hydrophytes and Xerophytes.
VIII GENETICS: Introduction - Mendel’s Principles – Monohybrid and Dihybrid cross, Back cross and Test cross,
Concept of probability in relation to
Genetics - Linkage and crossing over - Mutations.
IX. PLANT KINGDOM: Introduction - Spirogyra – distribution and habitat, thallus structure, cell structure,
reproduction– vegetative, asexual, sexual,
life cycle - Rhizopus – distribution and habitat, structure of mycelium and hypha, reproduction – vegetative, asexual,
sexual, life cycle, sexuality in Rhizopus - Funaria: distribution and habitat, external morphology of the gametophore,
anatomy of the stem, reproduction – vegetative and sexual, sporophyte, protonema, life cycle - Pteris: distribution and
habitat, Morphology of the sporophyte, anatomy of the Rhizome, vegetative, asexual and
sexual reproduction, Embryo, life cycle - Cycas: distribution and habitat, Morphology of the sporophyte, anatomy of
the coralloid root and leaflet, Reproduction, Embryo, Seed, life cycle.
X. MICROBIOLOGY: Introduction and importance of microbiology - Bacteria – Discovery, Distribution, sizes, shapes,
Gram stain (in brief), structure of cell, nutrition, reproduction –asexual (binary fission), sexual – Conjugation (F+ and Fonly),
transformation and transduction (only definition, discoverer and example for transformation and transduction),
economic importance – beneficial (Agriculture, Industry, Medicine, Biotechnology), harmful (spoilage of food, plants,
human and animal diseases) - Viruses – historical account, types, structure (TMV and T4 details), general account of
sizes, shapes, replication (Lytic and Lysogenic cycles). Plant diseases caused by viruses, transmission of viruses and
control of viral diseases.
XI. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY : Introduction (a) WATER RELATIONS OF PLANTS: Absorption of water – Introduction,
soil water, water potential, Diffusion, Imbibition, Osmosis, Plasmolysis, Mechanism of absorption of water- Ascent of
Sap: Definition, Cohesion – Tension theory - Transpiration
: Definition, SPAC and types of transpiration, mechanism of stomatal movement, factors, significance, Antitranspirants.
(b) NUTRITION IN PLANTS: Introduction, types of nutrition (symbiosis, parasitism, chemotrophism,
autotrophism)’ - Mineral nutrition – Introduction, soil as source, criteria of essentiality, importance of macro and micro
elements, ion absorption – passive and active (carrier concept), Biofertilizers (c) METABOLISM: Enzymes –
introduction, properties, IUB classification, mechanism of enzyme action (lock & key theory),enzyme inhibition -
Photosynthesis - Definition, pigments, structural organization of chloroplast, Mechanism of Photosynthesis – Light
reactions - Hill reaction, Emerson’s Enhancement Effect, PSI and PSII, electron transport and proton translocation,
photophosphorylation, Carbon assimilation - C3, C4 pathways, Factors, Photorespiration, Blackman’s law -
Respiration – definition, Types, Mechanism of aerobic and anaerobic respiration, Alcohol fermentation, Respiratory
quotient (R.Q). Nitrogen metabolism: Nitrogen cycle, Biological nitrogen fixation (Symbiotic, Non-symbiotic); Genetic
code, Biosynthesis of Proteins - Plant growth & its regulators: Growth curve; introduction to growth regulators,
physiological effects and applications-Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Abscisic acid and Ethylene; Photoperiodism
and Vernalization.
XII. PLANTS AND HUMAN WELFARE: Crop improvement – Introduction , aims and objectives of plant breeding;
methods – definition, methodology, advantages and achievements of Introduction, Selection (Mass, Pureline, Clonal),
Hybridization, Heterosis, Mutation breeding and Polyploidy breeding. Biotechnology: Introduction, Definition, Scope
and applications of Biotechnology - Genetic Engineering - Recombinant DNA Technology, Genetically Modified Crops,
Transgenic plants, Biosafety issues, applications of Genetic Engineering - Tissue Culture – techniques and
Applications - Single cell proteins – Advantages and Sources - Mushroom Cultivation:Morphology and types of
mushrooms; Food value; cultivation of white button mushrooms.
Subject : ZOOLOGY
I. Zoology – The Basics: Nature and scope of Zoology, Areas of study under zoology, relationship between zoology
and other sciences, basic principles of classification, need for classification, nomenclature, levels of classification or
systematic hierarchy, species concept, outline classification of the kingdom animalia.
II. General characters and classifications-Invertebrate Phyla (upto the level of classes): Protozoa-general
characters and brief account of classification, Porifera – general characters & classification, Cnidaria – general
characters and classification, Platyhelminthes – general characters and classification, Nematoda – general characters
and classification, Annelida – general characters and classification, Arthropoda – general characters and
classification, Mollusca – general characters and classification, Echinodermata – general characters and classification.
III. Animal Organization: Introduction, Multicellularity Diploblastic, triploblastic organization, Symmetry – types and
characteristic features of each symmetry with examples i.e. Asymmetry, Radial Symmetry, Biradial symmetry Bilateral
symmetry, Definition of Coelome, definitions and examples of acoelomates, pseudocoelomates and
enterocoelomates, The structure of a generalized animal cell (brief account only), Animal Tissues (brief account)
epithelial tissues, connective tissue proper, supporting tissue, fluid tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissue.
IV. Locomotion and Reproduction in Protozoa: Locomotion – Introduction, locomotor organelles in Protozoans
(pseudopodia, cilia, flagella) giving examples, Locomotion in Protozoans – amoeboid movement, Sol-gel theory,
Ciliary and Flagellar movements synchronal and metachronal movements in Paramecium, Effective & Recovery
strokes, Reproduction in Protozoa, Types of Reproduction (i) Asexual reproduction types – Transverse binary fission
in paramecium, longitudinal binary fission in Euglena (ii) Sexual reproduction in Protozoa Conjugation in Vorticella and
its significance.
V. Animal Associations: Definition and examples of Mutualism, Symbiosis, Commensalism, Parasitism, Structure,
life cycles, diseases and preventive measures of the following parasites (1) Entamoeba histolytica (structure, life cycle
pathogenecity, prevention), (2) Plasmodium vivax (structure, life cycle pathogenecity, prevention), (3) Taenia solium
(External characters body wall, organs in mature proglottid, fertilization Life-cycle-Pathogenecity) (4) Wuchereria
bancrofti (structure, life cycle pathogenecity, prevention).
VI. Phylum Annelida: Phertima posthuma – (1) Introduction, importance, different genera, species, habit & habitat.
External characters – structure
and arrangement of setae, (2) body wall coelom, wall of alimentary canal and locomotion, Pheretima (3) digestive
system, Respiratory system, Pheretema : (4) Blood vascular system, (5) Excretory system, (6) Nervous system, (7)
Reproductive system, (8) copulation, cocoon formation & development, Regeneration, economic importance.
VII. Phylum : Arthropoda: (1) Arthropoda – Introduction – Evolutionary characters of Arthropoda, (2) Cockroach,
Periplaneta americana – external
features, body wall, Endoskeleton, stink glands, coelom, fat bodies, locomotion, Cockroach – Digestive system,
Respiratory system, Nervous system, sense organs, structure of ommatidium, (3) Mouth parts of insects, cockroach,
Mosquito, Housefly, Butterfly, (4) Economic importance of insects (i) useful insects (ii) harmful insects.
VIII. Man & Biosphere: Elementary aspects of ecosystem, Abiotic factors light, temperature, water and their biological
effects on organisms, Biotic factors: producers, consumers and decomposers - Functional aspects of ecosystem, food
chains, food web, ecological pyramids, Lake as an example of fresh water ecosystem, population ecology –
Population density, growth and growth curves - Biodiversity, conservation of biodiversity and wild life conservation.
IX. Phylum – Chordata: Characteristics of Chordata, Ancestry of Chordates, Outline classification of Chordata,
Theories of origin of Chordata – General features of Sub-phylum Urochordata & Sub-phylum Cephalochordata - Subphylum
Vertebrata : Pisces - General Characters, Classification with examples, Amphibia : General characters,
Classification with examples.
X. Reptilia – Aves & Mammalia: Reptilia: General Characters, Classification of Chelonia, Rhynocephalia, Squamata
and Crocodilia with typical examples, Identification of poisonous and non poisonous snakes, poison apparatus, toxicity
of snake venom and treatment of snake bite including first aid - Aves: Distinctive features, Classification, differences
between Ratitae and carinatae with typical examples - Mammalia : Distinctive features of Prototheria, Metatheria &
Eutheria with examples.
XI. Rabbit – Functional Anatomy-I (Digestive System, Respiratory System & Circulatory System): Classification
and External characters of Rabbit - Digestive System, Alimentary Canal, Digestive Glands, Nutrition & Digestion,
Process of Digestion, Role of Vitamins and Mineral in Nutrition, Nutritional requirements in relation to balanced diet -
Respiratory system, Mechanism of breathing and transport of gases - Circulatory System, Structure of heart, Function
of heart, Arterial system, Venous System, Blood Clotting.
XII. Rabbit-Functional Anatomy-II (Musclo-Skeletal System, Excretory System, Reproductive System): Musculo
Skeletal System, Ultra Structure of Muscle fibre, sliding filament theory, Elementary idea of Axial skeleton and
appendicular skeleton: Types of Joints. Excretory System, Excretory Organs, Structure of nephron in mammals,
Formation and Composition of Urine, Micturition. Reproductive system: Male Reproductive system, Female
Reproductive system, Copulation, Fertilization and Development, Placenta. Gestation period.
XIII. Rabbit – Functional Anatomy-III (Nervous System, Endocrine Glands and their role in Human beings,
Immunology): Nervous System,
Central, Peripheral and autonomous nervous systems Roman nomenclature of Cranial and Spinal nerves and their
functions. Generation and Propagation of Nerve Impulse, Endocrine System: Endocrine glands and Role of
Hormones. Endocrine disorders in Human beings. Immunology : Types of Immunity, Organs of Immune system, Cells
of Immune systems, Soluble mediators of Immunity. Antigens, Mechanism of Humoral and cell mediated Immunities,
Immunological disorders: AIDS, Hepatitis.
XIV. Genetics-Introduction: Multiple alleles and Blood groups, ABO Blood groups, Rh antigens, Sex determination,
Sex Chromosomes, Heterogametic sex determination, Sex determination in Drosophila, Sex determination and
Sexual differentiation in human being, Haplodiploidy in honey bee, Effects of environment on sex determination,
Hormonal control of sex determination, Sex linked inheritance, Sex linkage in drosophila, Genes on the sex
chromosomes, Sex linked characters in human beings, X-linked characters, Y-linked characters, X-Y linked character,
Sex limited characters, Sex influenced characters. - Gene Expression and regulation, Genetic Materials, Function of
Genes, Gene regulation in prokaryotes, Gene expression in eukaryotes, concepts of Gene action one gene one poly
peptide concept only - Basic concepts of animal breeding, System of breeding, Heterosis, Progeny Test, Cloning,
Transgenic animals. Genome and Human genome project, Gene Mapping, D.N.A. finger printing, An elementary idea
of gene therapy.
XV. Organic Evolution: Evolutionary concepts and origin of life, Experimental verification of chemical origin of life.
Theories of Evolution : Lamarkism or Inheritance of acquired characters, Darwinism or Natural Selection, Sexual
selection, Artificial selection, Mutation theory of evolution, Synthetic theory of evolution or Neo-Darwinism : Hardy-
Weinberg equilibrium and evolutionary process – Natural selection, Genetic load, Genetic Drift, Changes in Genotype
frequencies and Speciation.
XVI. Applied Biology: Aquaculture: List of animals of aquaculture importance, Fisheries – fish culture and rearing
methods. Poultry : Introduction to Poultry, Poultry farming, Poultry diseases - Biotechnology : Recombinant D.N.A.
technology, Industrial use of micro organisms and DNA Technology, Vaccines, Enzymes, hormones, Interferons
Monoclonal anti bodies. - Cell cycle and its regulation, cancer biology, stem cells - Bio medical technology : X-ray
radiography, Definitions of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Electro Cardiography (ECG), Electro
Encephalography (EEG), Transplantation, ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay).
Subject : PHYSICS
I - MEASUREMENTS, UNITS AND DIMENSIONS : Introduction- units and Dimensions, Accuracy, precision of
measuring instruments, Constant errors, systematic errors, environmental errors (errors due to external causes). Error
due to imperfection, Random errors, Gross Errors, Absolute Errors, Relative percentage errors, Errors due to addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, powers of observed quantities, Significant figures, Fundamental and derived
physical quantities / System of Units, definition of units in SI. Multiple and submultiples of SI units, Dimensional
formulae and dimensional equations, dimensional constants and dimensionless quantities. Principle of homogeneity of
dimensions, Conversion of one system of units into another, to check correctness of an equation, to derive the
relationship between different physical quantities.
II - ELEMENTS OF VECTORS : Physical quantities, geometrical representation of vectors, addition of vectors,
equality of vectors, Resolution of a vector into components, null vector, unit vector in Cartesian co-ordinate system,
position vector and its magnitude, Parallelogram law of addition of vectors, Derivation of expression for the resultant
vector, The direction of the resultant, Special cases, Triangle law and polygon law of vectors, triangle law of addition
of vectors, polygon law of addition of vectors, concept of relative velocity, application to relative motion of a boat in a
river, motion of a boat across a river, shortest path, shortest time, Multiplication of vector with a scalar, product of two
vectors, scalar product or dot product of two vectors, properties of scalar product, examples of scalar product, work
done and energy, vector product of two vectors, properties of vector product of two vectors, torque, angular
III - Kinematics : Introduction- Equations of motion, acceleration due to gravity, equations of motion of a freely falling
body, Equations of motion of an object vertically projected upwards from the ground, Maximum height (H), Time of
ascent, time of descent, velocity of the body on returning to the point of projection, Vertical projection of an object from
a tower, Projectiles – oblique projection from ground, equation of trajectory, maximum height, time of ascent, time of
flight, horizontal range, two angles of projection for the same range, velocity of projection at any instant, horizontal
projection from the top of a tower, equation of trajectory, time of descent, range, velocity of the projectile (at any
IV - DYNAMICS : Introduction- Newton’s laws of motion, applications of Newton’s laws. Objects suspended by strings,
Atwood machine, blocks placed in contact with each other on frictionless horizontal surface, apparent weight in a lift,
Impulse, law of conservation of linear momentum, conservation of linear momentum during collision, work, power,
energy, KE&PE definition and derivation for both, Relation between KE and Linear momentum, conservation and nonconservation
of energy in case of freely failing body and vertically projected body.
V - COLLISIONS: Introduction – Elastic and inelastic collisions, Collisions in one dimension (Elastic collision only),
body at rest, bodies moving on along in same direction and opposite directions, Co-efficient of restitution, definition,
equation for height attained for freely falling body after number of rebounds on floor.
VI - CENTRE OF MASS (CM): Introduction- Centre of mass, difference between centre of mass and centre of gravity,
co-ordinates of centre of mass, center of mass of system of particles in space, motion of centre of mass (Velocity and
acceleration of CM), characteristics of centre of mass, laws of motion of the centre of mass, velocity and acceleration,
VII – FRICTION: Introduction - cause of friction, advantages of friction, disadvantages of friction, methods of reducing
friction, types of friction, static friction, kinetic (or) dynamic friction, rolling friction, Distinction between static and
dynamic friction. Normal reaction, laws of friction, static friction, kinetic friction or Dynamic friction, Rolling friction,
Angle of friction, motion of body on rough horizontal plane, motion of bodies on an inclined plane, Body at rest on the
plane-Angle of repose-when the body is just ready to slide, when the body is sliding down. Motion of a body on
smooth inclined plane, body sliding down the plane, body sliding up the plane, pushing and pulling of a lawn roller. A
lawn roller on a horizontal surface pulled by an inclined force, a roller on horizontal surface pushed by an inclined
VIII - ROTATORY MOTION: Couple (concepts, units, dimensional formula and examples), Vector representation of
torque, Moment of Inertia(MI), definition, units, parallel and perpendicular axes theorems. Expressions for MI of a thin
rod, uniform disc, rectangular lamina, solid and hollow spheres, circular ring and cylinder (no derivations needed),
angular momentum, relation between angular momentum and torque, law of conservation of angular momentum with
examples, Motion in vertical circle.
IX- GRAVITATION: Introduction- Basic forces in nature, Nature of gravitation, law of universal gravitation, Relation
between Universal gravitational constant (G) and acceleration due to gravity (g), variation of ‘g’ with altitude, depth,
latitude and shape of the earth, characteristics of gravitational force, limitations of Newton’s third law, gravitational
field, field strength, properties of gravitational fields, Origin of black holes, Chandrashekar limit, neutron star, Frames
of reference, Inertial and Non- Inertial frames, Inertial and Gravitational mass & relation between them, Principle of
equivalence, Escape and Orbital velocities, definition, derivation of expressions and relation between them,
Geostationary satellites and their uses.
X- SIMPLE HARMIMIC MOTION (SHM): Introduction- simple harmonic motion examples, SHM explanation by
reference circle, expression for displacement, amplitude, velocity, acceleration, time period, frequency, phase, initial
phase (epoch) - Simple pendulum, expression for time period, loaded spring, expression for time period, force
constant, PE and KE of simple harmonic oscillator, Total Energy of Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Law of conservation
of energy in the case of a simple pendulum.
XI- ELASTICITY: Introduction- Elasticity and plasticity, stress, strain, Hook’s law, Moduli of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio,
definition and its limit, Behavior of a wire under gradually increasing load- Elastic fatigue, strain energy - experimental
determination of Young’s modulus of wire.
Subject – PHYSICS
XII- TEMPERATURE AND THERMAL EXPANSION OF MATERIALS: Introduction- concept of temperature,
Measurement of temperature, Fahrenheit, Centigrade scales of temperature, their relation (only formulae)- Different
types of thermometers (brief theoretical description). Vibration of atoms in a solid, PE curve, Anharmonicity of
vibrations, explanation for expansion in solids. Coefficients of linear, areal and cubical expansion, definitions,
Expressions & Relation between these coefficients of expansions, change of density with temperature, examples in
daily life. Introduction- coefficients of real and apparent expansion of liquids, relation between them with derivation,
Determination of coefficient of apparent expansion of liquids by specific gravity method, Anomalous expansion of
water, its significance in nature. Introduction - volume and pressure coefficients of gases, relation between them and
derivation. Determination of volume coefficient-Regnault’s method. Determination of pressure coefficient-Jolly’s bulb
method. Kelvin scale of temperature, Boyle’s and Charle’s laws. Ideal gas equation, derivation, significance of
Universal gas constant.
XIII- THERMO-DYNAMICS: Introduction - Quasistatic and cyclic process, reversible and irreversible processes, Heat
and Temperature, Zeroeth law of Thermodynamics, definition of Calorie, Joule’s law and mechanical equivalent of
heat, Internal energy, First law of thermodynamics, equation and explanation. Heat capacity, specific heat,
experimental determination of specific heat by the method of mixtures. Specific heats of a gas (Cp and Cv), External
work done by a gas during its expansion. Relation between Cp and Cv derivation, Isothermal and adiabatic processes.
Relation between P, V and T in these processes. Expression for work done in Isothermal process (no derivation),
expression of work done in adiabatic process (no derivation). Heat engines and refrigerators (only qualitative
treatment). Three phases of matter, Triple point – Triple point of water. Latent heat, Determination of latent heat of
vaporization of water, Second law of thermodynamics – different statements.
XIV- TRANSMISSION OF HEAT: Introduction - conduction of heat, coefficient of thermal conductivity, convection-
Type of convections, Nature and properties of Thermal radiation, Prevost’s theory of heat exchange - emission power
and absorptive power - Black body radiation, Kirchoff’s law and its applications – Stefan’s law – Newton’s law of
XV - SURFACE TENSION: Introduction - surface tension, definition - Examples, molecular theory of surface tension.
Surface energy, Angle of contact, capillarity-examples in daily life, Determination of surface tension, capillary rise
method – theory and experiment. Effect of temperature on surface tension, excess pressure in liquid drops and soap
XVI- FLUID MACHANICS: Introduction - Principle of Buoyancy- pressure in a fluid - Streamline flow – Bernoulli’s
theorem - equation with derivation – applications-aerodynamic lift, motion of a spinning ball, Illustrations of Bernoulli’s
theorem. Viscosity – explanation coefficient of viscosity effect of temperature on viscosity, Poiseuille’s equation,
Motion of objects through fluids. Stokes formula, net force on the object, terminal velocity.
XVII- WAVE MOTION: Longitudinal and transverse waves, Equation for a progressive wave, principle of superposition
of waves, reflection of waves, Formation of waves on a stretched string, laws of vibrating strings, experimental
verification by Sonometer, Sound: Characteristics of sound, speed of sound in solids, liquids and gases (only formula
to be given), Forced Vibrations, Free Vibrations, Resonance with examples, standing waves in Organ Pipes, Open
Pipes, Closed Pipes, Fundamental frequency-Overtones, Harmonics, definition and explanation, Beats definition and
its importance. Doppler Effect, Definition, derivation of relation for apparent frequency of a sound note emitted by a
source for the cases a) only source is moving, b) only listener is moving, c) both source and listener are moving.
Applications and limitations of Doppler Effect- Echoes, Absorption of sound waves, Reverberation – Reverberation
Time, Fundamentals of building Acoustics – Statement of Sabine’s Law.
XVIII- OPTICS: Nature of Light, Newton’s corpuscular Theory, Huygen’s Wave Theory- Electromagnetic spectrum.
Huygen’s Explanation of Reflection and Refraction of plane waves at a plane surface. Refraction through prism,
Derivation of Refractive index of material of prism for minimum deviation, critical angle, Total Internal Reflection,
Relation between Critical angle and Refractive Index, application of total internal reflection to Optical fibers. Defects in
Images: Spherical and Chromatic aberrations and reducing these defects, Different methods (qualitative treatment).
Optical Instruments: Microscope, Telescope, Formula for magnification of Microscope, Astronomical and Terrestrial
Telescopes. Construction of Ramsden’s and Huygen’s eye pieces with ray diagrams. Dispersion of light, dispersive
power, pure and impure spectra, condition for obtaining pure spectrum, different kinds of spectra– Emission spectra,
Line, Band and continuous spectra, absorption spectra, Fraunhofer lines and their significance.
XIX- PHYSICAL OPTICS: Interference – condition for interference, Young’s double slit experiment – Derivation for
Intensity and fringe width – Uses of interference, Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction (Qualitative only).
Polarisation: Concepts of Polarisation. Plane Polarisation of Light by Reflection, Refraction and Double Refraction
XX- MAGNETISM: Coulomb’s Inverse Square Law, Definition of Magnetic Field, Magnetic Lines of Force- Uniform
and Non – Uniform Magnetic Fields. Couple acting on a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field, Definition of
magnetic moment of magnet. Magnetic Induction due to a bar magnet on axial and equatorial lines. Superposition of
magnetic fields, Tangent Law, Deflection Magnetometer. Comparison of Magnetic Moments in Tan A, Tan B positions
by equal distance method and Null Method, Verification of Inverse Square Law. Vibration Magnetometer- Principle
and Description, Experimental determination of M and BH(earth’s horizontal component) using Vibration
Magnetometer. Types of magnetic materials – Para, Dia, and Ferro Magnetism – Definition and properties.
XXI- ELECTROSTATICS: Charges – conservation of charge and additive property of charges. Coulomb’s Law :
Permittivity of Free Space and Permittivity of Medium, Force between two point charges. Force due to multiple
charges – Principle of superposition with examples. Electric field, Electric lines of force, their properties, Electric field
intensity definition, electric intensity due to isolated charge and due to multiple charges. Electrostatic Potential,
Definition of Electrostatic Potential in an electric field- Potential due to single charge and multiple charges,
Electrostatic potential energy- Relation between electrostatic potential and electric intensity. Electric Flux & Gauss
Law: Electric Flux Definition, Gauss Law-Statement of Gauss Law, Application of Gauss Law to find electric intensity
and electrostatic Potential due to continuous charge distribution of Infinite Long wire, Infinite Plane Sheet and
Spherical Shell. Capacitance, Definition of
Electrical Capacity of a Conductor, Capacitance, Dielectric constant, Definition of Condenser, its uses, Parallel plate
Condenser, Formula for Capacitance of Parallel Plate Condenser, Dielectric, Dielectric Strength, Effect of dielectric on
capacitance of capacitor. Capacitors in series and in parallel: derivation of the equivalent capacitance for the above
cases. Energy stored in a Condenser, Effect of dielectric on Energy of Condenser, Types of capacitors, their uses.
XXII- CURRENT ELECTRICITY: Electric current – Flow of Electric charges in a metallic conductor, Drift velocity and
mobility, Relation between electric current and drift velocity. Ohm’s Law: Statement, Ohmic and Non-Ohmic elements
with examples, Conductance, Specific resistance, Variation of resistivity with temperature, Variation of Resistance with
temperature, Thermistor. E.M.F. of Cell – Internal resistance and back E.M.F., Difference between EMF of a Cell and
potential difference. Electrical energy, Power definition of kWh. Kirchhoff’s laws: Statement of Kirchhoff’s voltage law,
Kirchhoff’s current law, their application to Wheatstone bridge, condition for balancing, Meter bridge, Determination of
resistance of a conductor using meter bridge. Principle of Potentiometer-determination of internal resistance and
E.M.F. of a cell using potentiometer. Series and parallel combination of cells – Derivation of equivalent EMF for the
above cases.
XXIII- THERMOELECTRICITY: Introduction- Seebeck effect, Peltier and Thomson effects and their coefficients.
Variation of themo EMF with temperature, Neutral and Inversion Temperatures. Applications of Thermo- Couple.
XXIV- ELECTROMAGNETICS: Oersted’s Experiment, Biot – Savart Law, Ampere’s Law, Magnetic field near a long
straight wire and magnetic field at the Center of a circular coil carrying current (with derivations). Field on the axis of
circular coil carrying current (expression only). Tangent Galvanometer (TG), Principle and working, Definition of
Reduction Factor. Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field, Force on a current carrying conductor placed in a
magnetic field, Force between two long straight parallel conductors carrying current, Definition of Ampere, Fleming’s
Left Hand Rule, Current loop
as a magnetic dipole, force and Torque on Current loop in an uniform magnetic field, magnetic dipole moment of a
revolving electron. Principle, Construction and working of Moving Coil Galvanometer (MCG), Converting MCG into
ammeter and voltmeter, comparison of MCG with TG. Electromagnetic induction, Magnetic Flux, Induced EMF,
Faraday’s and Lenz’s Laws. Fleming’s Right Hand Rule, Self Inductance, Mutual Inductance, Principle of Transformer.
Growth & decay of current in L-R circuit with DC source, Growth and decay of charge in R.C. Circuit connected to DC
source, Equations for charge on condenser – Current in inductor, Time constant, Definition and its significance.
Alternating current (A.C), Introduction – Instantaneous, maximum and RMS value of A.C. current, Alternating Voltage
applied to a pure resistor, pure inductor, pure capacitor, AC through C-R, L-R and L-C-R series circuits.
XXV ATOMIC PHYSICS: Discovery of electron, e/m of electron by Thomson’s method, Charge of the electron by
Millikan’s Oil Drop Method (Principle Only). Photo Electric Effect : Definition, Laws of Photoelectric Emission,
Einstein’s explanation of Photoelectric effect, Einstein’s Photo electric equation and its experimental verification by
Milikan’s method. Photo Electric Cells, working and uses. X- Rays- Production of X- Rays, Coolidge tube, X- ray
spectrum, Continuous X- Ray Spectra, Characteristic X – Ray Spectra, Moseley’s Law and its importance. Compton
effect (Statement only), Dual nature of matter, de Broglie’s hypothesis (concept only).
XXVI NUCLEAR PHYSICS: Composition and size of nucleus, mass deffect and binding energy and their relation
(Explanation with examples). Natural radio activity – alpha, beta and gamma radiations and their properties, radio
active decay law, half life and average life of a radio active substance, Nuclear forces – Their Properties, Artificial
Transmutation of elements, Discovery of Neutron, Radio Isotopes and their uses. Nuclear Fission, Chain Reaction,
Principle and Working of a Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear Radiation Hazards, Protective shielding, Types of reactors –
Breeder Reactor, Power Reactor and their uses. Nuclear Fusion, Energy of Sun and stars, Carbon – Nitrogen cycle
and proton – proton cycle, Elementary particles.
XXVII SEMI-CONDUCTOR DEVICES: Introduction- Intrinsic and extrinsic semi conductors (n and p type). Junction
diode, p-n junction, depletion layer and barrier potential, Forward and Reverse bias, and Current-Voltage
characteristics of junction diode, p-n Diode as half wave and full wave rectifier (only qualitative treatment), Zener
Diode as a voltage regulator.Transistor Function of Emitter, Base and Collector, p-n-p and n-p-n Transistors, Biasing
of Transistors, Current –Voltage Characteristics of Transistor in CE configuration, Transistor as common emitter
amplifier (qualitative treatment), Logic Gates (OR, AND , NOT, NOR, NAND)
XXVIII COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: Elements of communication systems (block diagram only), Bandwidth of
signals (Speech, TV and digital data), bandwidth of Transmission medium. Propagation of electromagnetic waves in
the atmosphere, sky and space wave propagation, Modulation, Need for modulation.
Measurement of temperature, Fahrenheit, Centigrade scales of temperature, their relation (only formulae)- Different
types of thermometers (brief theoretical description). Vibration of atoms in a solid, PE curve, Anharmonicity of
vibrations, explanation for expansion in solids. Coefficients of linear, areal and cubical expansion, definitions,
Expressions & Relation between these coefficients of expansions, change of density with temperature, examples in
daily life. Introduction- coefficients of real and apparent expansion of liquids, relation between them with derivation,
Determination of coefficient of apparent expansion of liquids by specific gravity method, Anomalous expansion of
water, its significance in nature. Introduction - volume and pressure coefficients of gases, relation between them and
derivation. Determination of volume coefficient-Regnault’s method. Determination of pressure coefficient-Jolly’s bulb
method. Kelvin scale of temperature, Boyle’s and Charle’s laws. Ideal gas equation, derivation, significance of
Universal gas constant.
XIII- THERMO-DYNAMICS: Introduction - Quasistatic and cyclic process, reversible and irreversible processes, Heat
and Temperature, Zeroeth law of Thermodynamics, definition of Calorie, Joule’s law and mechanical equivalent of
heat, Internal energy, First law of thermodynamics, equation and explanation. Heat capacity, specific heat,
experimental determination of specific heat by the method of mixtures. Specific heats of a gas (Cp and Cv), External
work done by a gas during its expansion. Relation between Cp and Cv derivation, Isothermal and adiabatic processes.
Relation between P, V and T in these processes. Expression for work done in Isothermal process (no derivation),
expression of work done in adiabatic process (no derivation). Heat engines and refrigerators (only qualitative
treatment). Three phases of matter, Triple point – Triple point of water. Latent heat, Determination of latent heat of
vaporization of water, Second law of thermodynamics – different statements.
XIV- TRANSMISSION OF HEAT: Introduction - conduction of heat, coefficient of thermal conductivity, convection-
Type of convections, Nature and properties of Thermal radiation, Prevost’s theory of heat exchange - emission power
and absorptive power - Black body radiation, Kirchoff’s law and its applications – Stefan’s law – Newton’s law of
XV - SURFACE TENSION: Introduction - surface tension, definition - Examples, molecular theory of surface tension.
Surface energy, Angle of contact, capillarity-examples in daily life, Determination of surface tension, capillary rise
method – theory and experiment. Effect of temperature on surface tension, excess pressure in liquid drops and soap
XVI- FLUID MACHANICS: Introduction - Principle of Buoyancy- pressure in a fluid - Streamline flow – Bernoulli’s
theorem - equation with derivation – applications-aerodynamic lift, motion of a spinning ball, Illustrations of Bernoulli’s
theorem. Viscosity – explanation coefficient of viscosity effect of temperature on viscosity, Poiseuille’s equation,
Motion of objects through fluids. Stokes formula, net force on the object, terminal velocity.
XVII- WAVE MOTION: Longitudinal and transverse waves, Equation for a progressive wave, principle of superposition
of waves, reflection of waves, Formation of waves on a stretched string, laws of vibrating strings, experimental
verification by Sonometer, Sound: Characteristics of sound, speed of sound in solids, liquids and gases (only formula
to be given), Forced Vibrations, Free Vibrations, Resonance with examples, standing waves in Organ Pipes, Open
Pipes, Closed Pipes, Fundamental frequency-Overtones, Harmonics, definition and explanation, Beats definition and
its importance. Doppler Effect, Definition, derivation of relation for apparent frequency of a sound note emitted by a
source for the cases a) only source is moving, b) only listener is moving, c) both source and listener are moving.
Applications and limitations of Doppler Effect- Echoes, Absorption of sound waves, Reverberation – Reverberation
Time, Fundamentals of building Acoustics – Statement of Sabine’s Law.
XVIII- OPTICS: Nature of Light, Newton’s corpuscular Theory, Huygen’s Wave Theory- Electromagnetic spectrum.
Huygen’s Explanation of Reflection and Refraction of plane waves at a plane surface. Refraction through prism,
Derivation of Refractive index of material of prism for minimum deviation, critical angle, Total Internal Reflection,
Relation between Critical angle and Refractive Index, application of total internal reflection to Optical fibers. Defects in
Images: Spherical and Chromatic aberrations and reducing these defects, Different methods (qualitative treatment).
Optical Instruments: Microscope, Telescope, Formula for magnification of Microscope, Astronomical and Terrestrial
Telescopes. Construction of Ramsden’s and Huygen’s eye pieces with ray diagrams. Dispersion of light, dispersive
power, pure and impure spectra, condition for obtaining pure spectrum, different kinds of spectra– Emission spectra,
Line, Band and continuous spectra, absorption spectra, Fraunhofer lines and their significance.
XIX- PHYSICAL OPTICS: Interference – condition for interference, Young’s double slit experiment – Derivation for
Intensity and fringe width – Uses of interference, Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction (Qualitative only).
Polarisation: Concepts of Polarisation. Plane Polarisation of Light by Reflection, Refraction and Double Refraction
XX- MAGNETISM: Coulomb’s Inverse Square Law, Definition of Magnetic Field, Magnetic Lines of Force- Uniform
and Non – Uniform Magnetic Fields. Couple acting on a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field, Definition of
magnetic moment of magnet. Magnetic Induction due to a bar magnet on axial and equatorial lines. Superposition of
magnetic fields, Tangent Law, Deflection Magnetometer. Comparison of Magnetic Moments in Tan A, Tan B positions
by equal distance method and Null Method, Verification of Inverse Square Law. Vibration Magnetometer- Principle
and Description, Experimental determination of M and BH(earth’s horizontal component) using Vibration
Magnetometer. Types of magnetic materials – Para, Dia, and Ferro Magnetism – Definition and properties.
XXI- ELECTROSTATICS: Charges – conservation of charge and additive property of charges. Coulomb’s Law :
Permittivity of Free Space and Permittivity of Medium, Force between two point charges. Force due to multiple
charges – Principle of superposition with examples. Electric field, Electric lines of force, their properties, Electric field
intensity definition, electric intensity due to isolated charge and due to multiple charges. Electrostatic Potential,
Definition of Electrostatic Potential in an electric field- Potential due to single charge and multiple charges,
Electrostatic potential energy- Relation between electrostatic potential and electric intensity. Electric Flux & Gauss
Law: Electric Flux Definition, Gauss Law-Statement of Gauss Law, Application of Gauss Law to find electric intensity
and electrostatic Potential due to continuous charge distribution of Infinite Long wire, Infinite Plane Sheet and
Spherical Shell. Capacitance, Definition of
Electrical Capacity of a Conductor, Capacitance, Dielectric constant, Definition of Condenser, its uses, Parallel plate
Condenser, Formula for Capacitance of Parallel Plate Condenser, Dielectric, Dielectric Strength, Effect of dielectric on
capacitance of capacitor. Capacitors in series and in parallel: derivation of the equivalent capacitance for the above
cases. Energy stored in a Condenser, Effect of dielectric on Energy of Condenser, Types of capacitors, their uses.
XXII- CURRENT ELECTRICITY: Electric current – Flow of Electric charges in a metallic conductor, Drift velocity and
mobility, Relation between electric current and drift velocity. Ohm’s Law: Statement, Ohmic and Non-Ohmic elements
with examples, Conductance, Specific resistance, Variation of resistivity with temperature, Variation of Resistance with
temperature, Thermistor. E.M.F. of Cell – Internal resistance and back E.M.F., Difference between EMF of a Cell and
potential difference. Electrical energy, Power definition of kWh. Kirchhoff’s laws: Statement of Kirchhoff’s voltage law,
Kirchhoff’s current law, their application to Wheatstone bridge, condition for balancing, Meter bridge, Determination of
resistance of a conductor using meter bridge. Principle of Potentiometer-determination of internal resistance and
E.M.F. of a cell using potentiometer. Series and parallel combination of cells – Derivation of equivalent EMF for the
above cases.
XXIII- THERMOELECTRICITY: Introduction- Seebeck effect, Peltier and Thomson effects and their coefficients.
Variation of themo EMF with temperature, Neutral and Inversion Temperatures. Applications of Thermo- Couple.
XXIV- ELECTROMAGNETICS: Oersted’s Experiment, Biot – Savart Law, Ampere’s Law, Magnetic field near a long
straight wire and magnetic field at the Center of a circular coil carrying current (with derivations). Field on the axis of
circular coil carrying current (expression only). Tangent Galvanometer (TG), Principle and working, Definition of
Reduction Factor. Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field, Force on a current carrying conductor placed in a
magnetic field, Force between two long straight parallel conductors carrying current, Definition of Ampere, Fleming’s
Left Hand Rule, Current loop
as a magnetic dipole, force and Torque on Current loop in an uniform magnetic field, magnetic dipole moment of a
revolving electron. Principle, Construction and working of Moving Coil Galvanometer (MCG), Converting MCG into
ammeter and voltmeter, comparison of MCG with TG. Electromagnetic induction, Magnetic Flux, Induced EMF,
Faraday’s and Lenz’s Laws. Fleming’s Right Hand Rule, Self Inductance, Mutual Inductance, Principle of Transformer.
Growth & decay of current in L-R circuit with DC source, Growth and decay of charge in R.C. Circuit connected to DC
source, Equations for charge on condenser – Current in inductor, Time constant, Definition and its significance.
Alternating current (A.C), Introduction – Instantaneous, maximum and RMS value of A.C. current, Alternating Voltage
applied to a pure resistor, pure inductor, pure capacitor, AC through C-R, L-R and L-C-R series circuits.
XXV ATOMIC PHYSICS: Discovery of electron, e/m of electron by Thomson’s method, Charge of the electron by
Millikan’s Oil Drop Method (Principle Only). Photo Electric Effect : Definition, Laws of Photoelectric Emission,
Einstein’s explanation of Photoelectric effect, Einstein’s Photo electric equation and its experimental verification by
Milikan’s method. Photo Electric Cells, working and uses. X- Rays- Production of X- Rays, Coolidge tube, X- ray
spectrum, Continuous X- Ray Spectra, Characteristic X – Ray Spectra, Moseley’s Law and its importance. Compton
effect (Statement only), Dual nature of matter, de Broglie’s hypothesis (concept only).
XXVI NUCLEAR PHYSICS: Composition and size of nucleus, mass deffect and binding energy and their relation
(Explanation with examples). Natural radio activity – alpha, beta and gamma radiations and their properties, radio
active decay law, half life and average life of a radio active substance, Nuclear forces – Their Properties, Artificial
Transmutation of elements, Discovery of Neutron, Radio Isotopes and their uses. Nuclear Fission, Chain Reaction,
Principle and Working of a Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear Radiation Hazards, Protective shielding, Types of reactors –
Breeder Reactor, Power Reactor and their uses. Nuclear Fusion, Energy of Sun and stars, Carbon – Nitrogen cycle
and proton – proton cycle, Elementary particles.
XXVII SEMI-CONDUCTOR DEVICES: Introduction- Intrinsic and extrinsic semi conductors (n and p type). Junction
diode, p-n junction, depletion layer and barrier potential, Forward and Reverse bias, and Current-Voltage
characteristics of junction diode, p-n Diode as half wave and full wave rectifier (only qualitative treatment), Zener
Diode as a voltage regulator.Transistor Function of Emitter, Base and Collector, p-n-p and n-p-n Transistors, Biasing
of Transistors, Current –Voltage Characteristics of Transistor in CE configuration, Transistor as common emitter
amplifier (qualitative treatment), Logic Gates (OR, AND , NOT, NOR, NAND)
XXVIII COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: Elements of communication systems (block diagram only), Bandwidth of
signals (Speech, TV and digital data), bandwidth of Transmission medium. Propagation of electromagnetic waves in
the atmosphere, sky and space wave propagation, Modulation, Need for modulation.
I. ATOMIC STRUCTURE: Characteristics of electron, proton and neutron. Rutherford model of an atom. Nature of
electromagnetic radiation. Planck’s quantum theory. Explanation of photo electric effect. Dual behavior of
electromagnetic radiation. Features of atomic spectra – Emission and absorption spectra. Characteristics of hydrogen
spectrum. Bohr’s theory of the structure of the atom – Postulates. Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom,Energy of an
electron. Bohr’s explanation of spectral lines. Failure of Bohr’s theory. Wave-particle nature of electron. de Broglie’s
hypothesis, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Important features of the quantum mechanical model of an atom –
Meaning and significance of wave function. Quantum numbers, concept of orbitals, definition of atomic orbital in terms
of quantum numbers - shapes of s, p and d orbitals, Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule of
maximum multiplicity. Electronic configuration of atoms. Explanation of stability of half filled and completely filled
accordance to their properties –Mendeleef’s Periodic Table. Periodic law – Mendeleef’s classification of elements.
Significance of atomic number and electronic configuration as the basis for periodic classification. Classification of
elements into s, p, d, f blocks and their main characteristics. Periodic trends in physical and chemical properties of
elements: Atomic radii, Ionic radii, Inert gas radii, Ionization energy, Electron gain energy, Electronegativity, Valency,
variation of oxidation states, Electropositivity – Metallic and Non-metallic nature, Nature of Oxides, Diagonal
relationship. Variation of atomic radii in inner transition elements.
III. CHEMICAL BONDING AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE: Kossel -Lewis approach to chemical bonding. Factors
favorable for the formation of ionic bond, energy changes in ionic bond formation. Crystal lattice energy - calculation of
lattice energy – Born - Haber cycle. Crystal structure of sodium chloride and Caesium chloride, Coordination number.
Properties of ionic compounds. Covalent bond - VSEPR theory – Lewis representation of covalent compounds,
Formal charge, geometry of simple molecules. The valence bond approach for the formation of covalent bonds.
Directional properties of covalent bond. Properties of covalent bond. Hybridization - different types of hybridization
involving s, p and d orbitals. Shapes of simple covalent molecules. Definition of coordinate covalent bond with
examples. Molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules. Symmetry and energy of sigma and pi
bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals. Molecular orbital energy diagram of H2, N2 and O2. Concept of hydrogen
bond and its types with examples. Effect of hydrogen bonding on properties of compounds.
IV. STOICHIOMETRY:Laws of chemical combination. Molar mass, concept of equivalent weight with examples.
Percentage composition of compounds and calculation of empirical and molecular formulae of compounds. Chemical
reactions and equations, Stoichiometry. Oxidation number concept. Balancing of redox reactions by ion electron
method and oxidation number method. Types of redox reactions. Applications of redox reactions in titrimetric
quantitative analysis. Redox reactions and electrode processes.
V. STATES OF MATTER / GASES : Graham’s law of diffusion, Dalton’s law of partial pressures, Avogadro’s law.
Ideal behavior, empirical derivation of gas equation, ideal gas equation. Kinetic molecular theory of gases. Kinetic gas
equation (No derivation) - deduction of gas laws. Distribution of molecular velocities and types of molecular velocities
– Average, Root Mean Square and Most Probable Velocity. Behaviour of real gases, deviation from ideal behaviour,
compressibility factor versus pressure, diagrams of real gases. Conductions of liquification of gases, critical
VI. SOLUTIONS: Classification of solutions, molarity, normality, molality and mole fraction. Dilute solutions, vapor
pressure, Raoult’s law, Limitations of Raoult’s law. Colligative properties – (i) Relative lowering of vapor pressure (ii)
Elevation of B.P (iii) Depression in freezing point and their relation to molar mass. Osmosis and osmotic pressure -
theory of dilute solutions. Determination of molar mass using colligative properties: Ostwald’s dynamic method,
Cottrell’s method, Rast’s method and Berkeley Hartley’s method. Abnormal molecular mass.
VII. ELECTRO CHEMISTRY: Conductance in electrolytic solutions. Specific, Equivalent and Molar conductance -
variation of conductance with concentration, Kohlrausch’s law, application to calculation of equivalent conductance of
weak electrolytes. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes, redox reactions. Electrolysis. Some typical examples of
electrolysis viz; Fused Sodium hydroxide, Fused sodium chloride, Brine solution, Fused Magnesium chloride.
Faraday’s laws of electrolysis and applications. Galvanic and voltaic cells. Representation and notation of
electrochemical cells with and without salt bridge. Standard hydrogen electrode, electrode potentials, electrochemical
series. EMF of the cell, Nernst equation and its application to calculate EMF of electrochemical cells. Primary cell - dry
cell / Lechlanche cell. Secondary cells - Fuel cells: Hydrogen - Oxygen fuel cell and Hydrocarbon - Oxygen fuel cell.
Corrosion: mechanism, factors to promote corrosion and prevention of corrosion, passivity, Lead accumulator.
VIII. SOLID STATE: Classification of solids based on different binding forces as molecular, ionic, covalent, and
metallic solids. Elementary treatment of metallic bond. Metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids. Unit cell in
two dimensional and three dimensional lattices. Seven crystal systems, Bravais lattices. Bragg’s equation, X-ray study
of crystal structure, Bragg’s method. Calculation of density of unit cell, packing in solids, voids, number of atoms per
cubic unit cell. Point defects - Schottky and Frenkel defects. Electrical and magnetic properties.
IX. CHEMICAL KINETICS: Concepts of reaction rate, factors affecting reaction rates. Rate law, Units of rate constant.
Order and molecularity. Methods of determination of order of a reaction. Integrated rate equations and half lives for
zero and first order reaction Collision theory of reaction rates (elementary ideas). Concept of activation energy.
Equilibrium: Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium, Law of mass action,
equilibrium constant. Factors affecting equilibrium. Relation between Kp and Kc, Le Chatelier’s principle, application to
industrial synthesis of (i) Ammonia (ii) Sulphur trioxide. Acids and Bases: Lowry-Bronsted acid base theory. Lewis
theory, limitation of Lewis theory, Ionic equilibrium. Ionization of acids and bases, strong and weak electrolytes,
degree of ionization. Ionic product of water. Concept of pH. Hydrolysis of salts (elementary idea), hydrolysis constant,
buffer solutions.Solubility product and common ion effect with illustrative examples.
X. THERMODYNAMICS: Concept of system, types of systems, surroundings, work, heat, energy, extensive and
intensive properties, state functions. First law of thermodynamics - Internal energy and Enthalpy. Heat capacity and
Specific heat, Exothermic and Endothermic reactions, measurement of Enthalpy of bond dissociation, combustion,
neutralization, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, ionization and dilution. Thermo chemical
equations. Hess’s law of constant heat summation. Driving force for a spontaneous process. Thermodynamic
representation of criteria of spontaneity in terms of entropy, entropy as a state function.Gibbs free energy, Gibbs free
energy change for spontaneous, non-spontaneous and equilibrium processes.
XI. SURFACE CHEMISTRY: Adsorption: Physical and chemical adsorption, adsorption of gases on solids, factors
affecting it - pressure (Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherms) and temperature. Catalysis - types of catalysis,
autocatalysis Colloidal state: colloidal solutions, classification of colloidal solutions, protective colloids and Gold
number, Properties of colloids - Tyndall effect, Brownian movement. Coagulation. Emulsions, classification of
emulsions, micelles, cleansing action of soap.
XII. HYDROGEN AND ITS COMPOUNDS: Position of hydrogen in periodic table. Occurrence, isotopes of hydrogen.
Hydrogen - Preparation, properties and uses including as a fuel. Reactions of hydrogen leading to ionic, molecular
and non - stoichiometric hydrides. Physical and Chemical properties of water and heavy water. Hardness of water and
its removal Hydrogen peroxide – methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties - oxidation, reduction,
decomposition, disproportionation and addition reactions. Detection, structure and uses of Hydrogen Peroxide.
XIII. ALKALI AND ALKALINE EARTH METALS: Electronic configuration, occurrence, Anomalous properties of the
first element in each group. Diagonal relationship. Trends in properties like ionization enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii,
reactivity with oxygen, hydrogen, halogens and water, uses of alkali and alkaline earth metals. Preparation and
properties of Sodium hydroxide, Sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate. Preparation and uses of Calcium
oxide, Calcium carbonate and Calcium sulphate. Biological importance of Na, K, Mg and Ca.
occurrence. Variation of properties and oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity. Anomalous properties of first
element of the group. Boron- Physical and chemical properties and uses of boron. Borax, boric acid and boron
hydrides. Preparation, structure and properties of diborane. Aluminum: uses, reactions with acids and alkalis. Potash
occurrence. Variation of properties and oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity. Anomalous behavior of first
element. Carbon - catenation, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties and uses.Similarities between carbon
and silicon, uses of oxides of carbon. Important compounds of Silicon - Silicon dioxide, Silicon tetrachloride, silicones,
silicates and zeolites. Manufacture and uses of Producer gas and Water gas.
XVI. p- BLOCK ELEMENTS: GROUP 15 ELEMENTS (VA GROUP ELEMENTS): Occurrence - physical states of
nitrogen and phosphorous, allotropy, catenation electronic configuration, oxidation states. General characteristics and
structure of hydrides. General characteristics of oxides and halides. Oxoacids of nitrogen and phosphorous.
Preparation and uses of nitric acid and Ammonia. Super phosphate of lime.
configuration, oxidation states, physical states of oxygen and sulphur, their structure and allotropy. General
characteristics of hydrides, oxides and halides. Structural aspects of oxyacids of chalcogens. Preparation, properties
and uses of Ozone. Sodium thiosulphate, Sulphuric acid – industrial process of manufacture.
configuration and oxidation states. Physical states of halogens. Ionization Potential, Electronegativity, Electron affinity,
bond energies, chemical reactivity, oxidizing power of fluorine and chlorine. Structural aspects of oxyacids of chlorine.
Preparation, properties and uses of fluorine, chlorine and bleaching powder. Structures of Inter-halogen compounds.
XIX. GROUP 18 ELEMENTS: (ZERO GROUP ELEMENTS): Electronic configuration, occurrence and isolation.
Trends in physical and chemical properties and uses. Structures of Xenon oxides and halides.
XX TRANSITION ELEMENTS: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of
transition metals. General trends in properties of first row transition elements - metallic character, ionization energy,
variable oxidation states, atomic and ionic radii, color, catalytic property, magnetic property, interstitial compounds and
alloy formation. Lanthanides: Electronic configuration, variable oxidation states, chemical reactivity and lanthanide
contraction. Coordination compounds: Introduction, ligands, coordination number, Werner’s theory of coordination
compounds, shapes of coordination compounds - Valence bond theory, IUPAC nomenclature of mono molecular
coordination compounds, bonding, isomerism, EAN rule, importance of coordination compounds in qualitative
analysis, extraction of metals and biological systems (chromo-proteins, haemoglobin, chlorophyll: structures only).
XXI. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF METALLURGY: Principles and methods of extraction - concentration, reduction by
chemical and Electrolytic methods and refining. Occurrence and principles of extraction of Copper, Zinc, Iron and
Silver. Molten electrolysis processes of Aluminium, Magnesium and Sodium.
XXII. ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY: Definition of terms, types of Pollution, Air, Water and Soil pollution. Oxides of
carbon, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, chloro fluoro carbons. Chemical reactions in atmosphere,
smogs, major atmospheric pollutants, acid rain. Ozone and its reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer. Green
house effect and global warming. Pollution due to industrial wastes.
quantitative analysis of organic compounds. Classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Homolytic
and heterolytic fission of covalent bond. Types of regents – electrophiles, nucleophiles and free radicals with
examples. Reactive intermediates. Types of organic reactions - substitution, addition, elimination and rearrangement
reactions with examples. Inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyperconjugation.
XXIV. HYDROCARBONS: Classification of hydrocarbons. Alkanes - Nomenclature, isomerism. Methods of
preparation of ethane. Physical properties, chemical reactions including free radical mechanism of halogenation,
Combustion and Pyrolysis of ethane. Cycloalkanes : Preparation and properties of cyclohexane. Alkenes -
Nomenclature, structure of double bond (ethene), cis, trans isomerism, physical properties. Ethylene: Methods of
preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions - addition of hydrogen, halogen, water, hydrogen halides
(Markovnikov’s addition and peroxide effect),
Ozonolysis and oxidation. Mechanism of electrophilic addition.
XXV. ALKYNES & AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS: Nomenclature, structure of triple bond. Acetylene - Methods of
preparation, Physical properties and chemical reactions: acidic character of acetylene, addition reaction of - hydrogen,
halogens, hydrogen halides and water. Aromatic hydrocarbons: Introduction, IUPAC nomenclature; Benzene:
resonance and aromaticity, Chemical properties: Mechanism of electrophilic substitution - Nitration, Sulphonation,
Halogenation, Friedel Craft’s alkylation and Acylation. Directive influence of functional group in mono-substituted
benzene. Carcinogenicity and toxicity.
XXVI: STEREO CHEMISTRY: Optical activity-discovery, determination using a polarimeter, specific rotation, Chirality
- Chiral objects, Chiral molecules. Configuration and Fischer projections, Asymmetric carbon, elements of symmetry,
compounds containing one chiral centre, enantiomers, D-L and R-S nomenclature, racemic forms, racemisation.
Compounds containing two chiral centers, diastereo, isomens, mesoform, resolution, importance of stereochemistry.
XXVII. HALOALKANES & HALOARENES: Nomenclature, nature of C-X bond, Preparation, physical and chemical
properties of ethyl chloride and chloroform. Mechanism of SN1, and SN2 reactions Haloarenes: Nature of C-X bond,
Substitution reactions of chlorobenzene (directive influence of halogen for mono substituted compounds only).
XXVIII. ALCOHOLS / PHENOLS AND ETHERS: Alcohols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and
chemical properties of ethyl alcohol, Mechanism of dehydration. Identification of primary, secondary and tertiary
alcohols. Uses of methanol and ethanol. Phenols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation and Physical and chemical
properties of phenol, acidic nature of phenol. Electrophilic substitution reactions, uses of phenols. Ethers:
Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties and uses of diethyl ether.
XXIX: ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: Nomenclature, and nature of carbonyl group. Methods of preparation and
Physical and Chemical properties and uses of acetaldehyde and acetone. Mechanism of nucleophilic addition,
Reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes;
XXX. CARBOXYLIC ACIDS: Nomenclature and acidity of carboxylic acids. Methods of preparation, Physical and
chemical properties and uses of acetic acid.
XXXI. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CONTAINING NITROGEN: Nitrobenzene: Preparation, properties and uses.
Amines: Nomenclature and classification of amines. Structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical
properties and uses of Aniline. Identification of primary secondary and tertiary amines. Diazonium salts: Preparation,
Chemical reactions and importance of diazonium salts in synthetic organic chemistry. Azo dyes and their uses.
XXXII. POLYMERS & BIOMOLECULES: Classification of polymers. Addition and condensation polymerization.
Copolymerization. Natural rubber, vulcanization of rubber, synthetic rubber – Neoprene and Buna-S Molecular weights
of polymers - Number average and weight average molecular weights (definition only) Biopolymers – Carbohydrates
and Proteins. Biodegradable polymers and some commercially important polymers like polythene, nylon, polyesters
and bakelite. Carbohydrates:Importance. Classification into (a) aldoses and ketoses and (b) mono (glucose and
fructose), oligo (sucrose, lactose, maltose) and polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen). Structure determination
and propetties of glucose. Structural features of oligo and polysaccharides mentioned above. Proteins: Elementary
idea of Alpha amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides and proteins. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary
structures of Proteins (Qualitative idea only). Denaturation of proteins; enzymes. Vitamins: Classification and
functions of vitamins in biosystems. Nucleic Acids: Types of nucleic acids, primary building blocks of nucleic acids.
Chemical composition of DNA & RNA, Primary structure of DNA and its double helix. Replication. Transcription,
protein synthesis and genetic code. Lipids: Classification, structure and functions of lipids in biosystems. Hormones:
Classification, structural
features and functions of hormones in biosystems.
XXXIII. CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE: Uses of Chemicals in medicine: Analgesics : Narcotics (morphine,
codeine). Non-narcotics (Aspirin, Ibuprofen). Antipyretics (Analgin, phenacetin and paracetamol). Tranquilizers
(Barbituric acid, Luminal, seconal, valium). Antiseptics (Chloroxylenol, bithional), Disinfectants (formalin),
Antimicrobials (lysozyme, lactic acid, hydrochloric acid in stomach). Antibiotics (pencillin, chloramphenicol,
sulphadiazine). Chemicals in food preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium metabisulphite). Artificial sweetening
agents (Aspartame, alitane, sucrolose).
electromagnetic radiation. Planck’s quantum theory. Explanation of photo electric effect. Dual behavior of
electromagnetic radiation. Features of atomic spectra – Emission and absorption spectra. Characteristics of hydrogen
spectrum. Bohr’s theory of the structure of the atom – Postulates. Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom,Energy of an
electron. Bohr’s explanation of spectral lines. Failure of Bohr’s theory. Wave-particle nature of electron. de Broglie’s
hypothesis, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Important features of the quantum mechanical model of an atom –
Meaning and significance of wave function. Quantum numbers, concept of orbitals, definition of atomic orbital in terms
of quantum numbers - shapes of s, p and d orbitals, Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule of
maximum multiplicity. Electronic configuration of atoms. Explanation of stability of half filled and completely filled
accordance to their properties –Mendeleef’s Periodic Table. Periodic law – Mendeleef’s classification of elements.
Significance of atomic number and electronic configuration as the basis for periodic classification. Classification of
elements into s, p, d, f blocks and their main characteristics. Periodic trends in physical and chemical properties of
elements: Atomic radii, Ionic radii, Inert gas radii, Ionization energy, Electron gain energy, Electronegativity, Valency,
variation of oxidation states, Electropositivity – Metallic and Non-metallic nature, Nature of Oxides, Diagonal
relationship. Variation of atomic radii in inner transition elements.
III. CHEMICAL BONDING AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE: Kossel -Lewis approach to chemical bonding. Factors
favorable for the formation of ionic bond, energy changes in ionic bond formation. Crystal lattice energy - calculation of
lattice energy – Born - Haber cycle. Crystal structure of sodium chloride and Caesium chloride, Coordination number.
Properties of ionic compounds. Covalent bond - VSEPR theory – Lewis representation of covalent compounds,
Formal charge, geometry of simple molecules. The valence bond approach for the formation of covalent bonds.
Directional properties of covalent bond. Properties of covalent bond. Hybridization - different types of hybridization
involving s, p and d orbitals. Shapes of simple covalent molecules. Definition of coordinate covalent bond with
examples. Molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules. Symmetry and energy of sigma and pi
bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals. Molecular orbital energy diagram of H2, N2 and O2. Concept of hydrogen
bond and its types with examples. Effect of hydrogen bonding on properties of compounds.
IV. STOICHIOMETRY:Laws of chemical combination. Molar mass, concept of equivalent weight with examples.
Percentage composition of compounds and calculation of empirical and molecular formulae of compounds. Chemical
reactions and equations, Stoichiometry. Oxidation number concept. Balancing of redox reactions by ion electron
method and oxidation number method. Types of redox reactions. Applications of redox reactions in titrimetric
quantitative analysis. Redox reactions and electrode processes.
V. STATES OF MATTER / GASES : Graham’s law of diffusion, Dalton’s law of partial pressures, Avogadro’s law.
Ideal behavior, empirical derivation of gas equation, ideal gas equation. Kinetic molecular theory of gases. Kinetic gas
equation (No derivation) - deduction of gas laws. Distribution of molecular velocities and types of molecular velocities
– Average, Root Mean Square and Most Probable Velocity. Behaviour of real gases, deviation from ideal behaviour,
compressibility factor versus pressure, diagrams of real gases. Conductions of liquification of gases, critical
VI. SOLUTIONS: Classification of solutions, molarity, normality, molality and mole fraction. Dilute solutions, vapor
pressure, Raoult’s law, Limitations of Raoult’s law. Colligative properties – (i) Relative lowering of vapor pressure (ii)
Elevation of B.P (iii) Depression in freezing point and their relation to molar mass. Osmosis and osmotic pressure -
theory of dilute solutions. Determination of molar mass using colligative properties: Ostwald’s dynamic method,
Cottrell’s method, Rast’s method and Berkeley Hartley’s method. Abnormal molecular mass.
VII. ELECTRO CHEMISTRY: Conductance in electrolytic solutions. Specific, Equivalent and Molar conductance -
variation of conductance with concentration, Kohlrausch’s law, application to calculation of equivalent conductance of
weak electrolytes. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes, redox reactions. Electrolysis. Some typical examples of
electrolysis viz; Fused Sodium hydroxide, Fused sodium chloride, Brine solution, Fused Magnesium chloride.
Faraday’s laws of electrolysis and applications. Galvanic and voltaic cells. Representation and notation of
electrochemical cells with and without salt bridge. Standard hydrogen electrode, electrode potentials, electrochemical
series. EMF of the cell, Nernst equation and its application to calculate EMF of electrochemical cells. Primary cell - dry
cell / Lechlanche cell. Secondary cells - Fuel cells: Hydrogen - Oxygen fuel cell and Hydrocarbon - Oxygen fuel cell.
Corrosion: mechanism, factors to promote corrosion and prevention of corrosion, passivity, Lead accumulator.
VIII. SOLID STATE: Classification of solids based on different binding forces as molecular, ionic, covalent, and
metallic solids. Elementary treatment of metallic bond. Metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids. Unit cell in
two dimensional and three dimensional lattices. Seven crystal systems, Bravais lattices. Bragg’s equation, X-ray study
of crystal structure, Bragg’s method. Calculation of density of unit cell, packing in solids, voids, number of atoms per
cubic unit cell. Point defects - Schottky and Frenkel defects. Electrical and magnetic properties.
IX. CHEMICAL KINETICS: Concepts of reaction rate, factors affecting reaction rates. Rate law, Units of rate constant.
Order and molecularity. Methods of determination of order of a reaction. Integrated rate equations and half lives for
zero and first order reaction Collision theory of reaction rates (elementary ideas). Concept of activation energy.
Equilibrium: Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium, Law of mass action,
equilibrium constant. Factors affecting equilibrium. Relation between Kp and Kc, Le Chatelier’s principle, application to
industrial synthesis of (i) Ammonia (ii) Sulphur trioxide. Acids and Bases: Lowry-Bronsted acid base theory. Lewis
theory, limitation of Lewis theory, Ionic equilibrium. Ionization of acids and bases, strong and weak electrolytes,
degree of ionization. Ionic product of water. Concept of pH. Hydrolysis of salts (elementary idea), hydrolysis constant,
buffer solutions.Solubility product and common ion effect with illustrative examples.
X. THERMODYNAMICS: Concept of system, types of systems, surroundings, work, heat, energy, extensive and
intensive properties, state functions. First law of thermodynamics - Internal energy and Enthalpy. Heat capacity and
Specific heat, Exothermic and Endothermic reactions, measurement of Enthalpy of bond dissociation, combustion,
neutralization, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, ionization and dilution. Thermo chemical
equations. Hess’s law of constant heat summation. Driving force for a spontaneous process. Thermodynamic
representation of criteria of spontaneity in terms of entropy, entropy as a state function.Gibbs free energy, Gibbs free
energy change for spontaneous, non-spontaneous and equilibrium processes.
XI. SURFACE CHEMISTRY: Adsorption: Physical and chemical adsorption, adsorption of gases on solids, factors
affecting it - pressure (Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherms) and temperature. Catalysis - types of catalysis,
autocatalysis Colloidal state: colloidal solutions, classification of colloidal solutions, protective colloids and Gold
number, Properties of colloids - Tyndall effect, Brownian movement. Coagulation. Emulsions, classification of
emulsions, micelles, cleansing action of soap.
XII. HYDROGEN AND ITS COMPOUNDS: Position of hydrogen in periodic table. Occurrence, isotopes of hydrogen.
Hydrogen - Preparation, properties and uses including as a fuel. Reactions of hydrogen leading to ionic, molecular
and non - stoichiometric hydrides. Physical and Chemical properties of water and heavy water. Hardness of water and
its removal Hydrogen peroxide – methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties - oxidation, reduction,
decomposition, disproportionation and addition reactions. Detection, structure and uses of Hydrogen Peroxide.
XIII. ALKALI AND ALKALINE EARTH METALS: Electronic configuration, occurrence, Anomalous properties of the
first element in each group. Diagonal relationship. Trends in properties like ionization enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii,
reactivity with oxygen, hydrogen, halogens and water, uses of alkali and alkaline earth metals. Preparation and
properties of Sodium hydroxide, Sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate. Preparation and uses of Calcium
oxide, Calcium carbonate and Calcium sulphate. Biological importance of Na, K, Mg and Ca.
occurrence. Variation of properties and oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity. Anomalous properties of first
element of the group. Boron- Physical and chemical properties and uses of boron. Borax, boric acid and boron
hydrides. Preparation, structure and properties of diborane. Aluminum: uses, reactions with acids and alkalis. Potash
occurrence. Variation of properties and oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity. Anomalous behavior of first
element. Carbon - catenation, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties and uses.Similarities between carbon
and silicon, uses of oxides of carbon. Important compounds of Silicon - Silicon dioxide, Silicon tetrachloride, silicones,
silicates and zeolites. Manufacture and uses of Producer gas and Water gas.
XVI. p- BLOCK ELEMENTS: GROUP 15 ELEMENTS (VA GROUP ELEMENTS): Occurrence - physical states of
nitrogen and phosphorous, allotropy, catenation electronic configuration, oxidation states. General characteristics and
structure of hydrides. General characteristics of oxides and halides. Oxoacids of nitrogen and phosphorous.
Preparation and uses of nitric acid and Ammonia. Super phosphate of lime.
configuration, oxidation states, physical states of oxygen and sulphur, their structure and allotropy. General
characteristics of hydrides, oxides and halides. Structural aspects of oxyacids of chalcogens. Preparation, properties
and uses of Ozone. Sodium thiosulphate, Sulphuric acid – industrial process of manufacture.
configuration and oxidation states. Physical states of halogens. Ionization Potential, Electronegativity, Electron affinity,
bond energies, chemical reactivity, oxidizing power of fluorine and chlorine. Structural aspects of oxyacids of chlorine.
Preparation, properties and uses of fluorine, chlorine and bleaching powder. Structures of Inter-halogen compounds.
XIX. GROUP 18 ELEMENTS: (ZERO GROUP ELEMENTS): Electronic configuration, occurrence and isolation.
Trends in physical and chemical properties and uses. Structures of Xenon oxides and halides.
XX TRANSITION ELEMENTS: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of
transition metals. General trends in properties of first row transition elements - metallic character, ionization energy,
variable oxidation states, atomic and ionic radii, color, catalytic property, magnetic property, interstitial compounds and
alloy formation. Lanthanides: Electronic configuration, variable oxidation states, chemical reactivity and lanthanide
contraction. Coordination compounds: Introduction, ligands, coordination number, Werner’s theory of coordination
compounds, shapes of coordination compounds - Valence bond theory, IUPAC nomenclature of mono molecular
coordination compounds, bonding, isomerism, EAN rule, importance of coordination compounds in qualitative
analysis, extraction of metals and biological systems (chromo-proteins, haemoglobin, chlorophyll: structures only).
XXI. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF METALLURGY: Principles and methods of extraction - concentration, reduction by
chemical and Electrolytic methods and refining. Occurrence and principles of extraction of Copper, Zinc, Iron and
Silver. Molten electrolysis processes of Aluminium, Magnesium and Sodium.
XXII. ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY: Definition of terms, types of Pollution, Air, Water and Soil pollution. Oxides of
carbon, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, chloro fluoro carbons. Chemical reactions in atmosphere,
smogs, major atmospheric pollutants, acid rain. Ozone and its reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer. Green
house effect and global warming. Pollution due to industrial wastes.
quantitative analysis of organic compounds. Classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Homolytic
and heterolytic fission of covalent bond. Types of regents – electrophiles, nucleophiles and free radicals with
examples. Reactive intermediates. Types of organic reactions - substitution, addition, elimination and rearrangement
reactions with examples. Inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyperconjugation.
XXIV. HYDROCARBONS: Classification of hydrocarbons. Alkanes - Nomenclature, isomerism. Methods of
preparation of ethane. Physical properties, chemical reactions including free radical mechanism of halogenation,
Combustion and Pyrolysis of ethane. Cycloalkanes : Preparation and properties of cyclohexane. Alkenes -
Nomenclature, structure of double bond (ethene), cis, trans isomerism, physical properties. Ethylene: Methods of
preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions - addition of hydrogen, halogen, water, hydrogen halides
(Markovnikov’s addition and peroxide effect),
Ozonolysis and oxidation. Mechanism of electrophilic addition.
XXV. ALKYNES & AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS: Nomenclature, structure of triple bond. Acetylene - Methods of
preparation, Physical properties and chemical reactions: acidic character of acetylene, addition reaction of - hydrogen,
halogens, hydrogen halides and water. Aromatic hydrocarbons: Introduction, IUPAC nomenclature; Benzene:
resonance and aromaticity, Chemical properties: Mechanism of electrophilic substitution - Nitration, Sulphonation,
Halogenation, Friedel Craft’s alkylation and Acylation. Directive influence of functional group in mono-substituted
benzene. Carcinogenicity and toxicity.
XXVI: STEREO CHEMISTRY: Optical activity-discovery, determination using a polarimeter, specific rotation, Chirality
- Chiral objects, Chiral molecules. Configuration and Fischer projections, Asymmetric carbon, elements of symmetry,
compounds containing one chiral centre, enantiomers, D-L and R-S nomenclature, racemic forms, racemisation.
Compounds containing two chiral centers, diastereo, isomens, mesoform, resolution, importance of stereochemistry.
XXVII. HALOALKANES & HALOARENES: Nomenclature, nature of C-X bond, Preparation, physical and chemical
properties of ethyl chloride and chloroform. Mechanism of SN1, and SN2 reactions Haloarenes: Nature of C-X bond,
Substitution reactions of chlorobenzene (directive influence of halogen for mono substituted compounds only).
XXVIII. ALCOHOLS / PHENOLS AND ETHERS: Alcohols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and
chemical properties of ethyl alcohol, Mechanism of dehydration. Identification of primary, secondary and tertiary
alcohols. Uses of methanol and ethanol. Phenols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation and Physical and chemical
properties of phenol, acidic nature of phenol. Electrophilic substitution reactions, uses of phenols. Ethers:
Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties and uses of diethyl ether.
XXIX: ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: Nomenclature, and nature of carbonyl group. Methods of preparation and
Physical and Chemical properties and uses of acetaldehyde and acetone. Mechanism of nucleophilic addition,
Reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes;
XXX. CARBOXYLIC ACIDS: Nomenclature and acidity of carboxylic acids. Methods of preparation, Physical and
chemical properties and uses of acetic acid.
XXXI. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS CONTAINING NITROGEN: Nitrobenzene: Preparation, properties and uses.
Amines: Nomenclature and classification of amines. Structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical
properties and uses of Aniline. Identification of primary secondary and tertiary amines. Diazonium salts: Preparation,
Chemical reactions and importance of diazonium salts in synthetic organic chemistry. Azo dyes and their uses.
XXXII. POLYMERS & BIOMOLECULES: Classification of polymers. Addition and condensation polymerization.
Copolymerization. Natural rubber, vulcanization of rubber, synthetic rubber – Neoprene and Buna-S Molecular weights
of polymers - Number average and weight average molecular weights (definition only) Biopolymers – Carbohydrates
and Proteins. Biodegradable polymers and some commercially important polymers like polythene, nylon, polyesters
and bakelite. Carbohydrates:Importance. Classification into (a) aldoses and ketoses and (b) mono (glucose and
fructose), oligo (sucrose, lactose, maltose) and polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen). Structure determination
and propetties of glucose. Structural features of oligo and polysaccharides mentioned above. Proteins: Elementary
idea of Alpha amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides and proteins. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary
structures of Proteins (Qualitative idea only). Denaturation of proteins; enzymes. Vitamins: Classification and
functions of vitamins in biosystems. Nucleic Acids: Types of nucleic acids, primary building blocks of nucleic acids.
Chemical composition of DNA & RNA, Primary structure of DNA and its double helix. Replication. Transcription,
protein synthesis and genetic code. Lipids: Classification, structure and functions of lipids in biosystems. Hormones:
Classification, structural
features and functions of hormones in biosystems.
XXXIII. CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE: Uses of Chemicals in medicine: Analgesics : Narcotics (morphine,
codeine). Non-narcotics (Aspirin, Ibuprofen). Antipyretics (Analgin, phenacetin and paracetamol). Tranquilizers
(Barbituric acid, Luminal, seconal, valium). Antiseptics (Chloroxylenol, bithional), Disinfectants (formalin),
Antimicrobials (lysozyme, lactic acid, hydrochloric acid in stomach). Antibiotics (pencillin, chloramphenicol,
sulphadiazine). Chemicals in food preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium metabisulphite). Artificial sweetening
agents (Aspartame, alitane, sucrolose).
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